On the 9th of May, two of our spokespersons, Ellen and Sabrin, are invited to speak at a demonstration organized by the group ‘Stoppa Israel’. Both of our organizations, along with many others, share the same goal of a world where everyone lives side by side in respect to one another.
We support each other by spreading information about each other’s activities. ‘Stoppa Israel’ will livestream the event through our website to increase visibility.
After the demonstrations you can come back here and read their speeches.
I’m Ellen the project manager for FalastinVision- the genocide free song contest!
FalastinVision believes in the power of music and creativity, and we have come together to let that power unite us instead of divide us.
We as a musician have to be the voice HERE for the people being slaughtered in Gaza. Our creative colleges in Palestine are being targeted right now just for being singers and actors och artists.
One of our artist entering the competition had to withdraw only because he is Palestinian living in the West Bank and it was too dangerous to compete.
- Waheel is a music producer in Gaza who sent us a greeting we posted online, he got his studio bombed by the Israeli occupation force.
- The sol band had to flee the terror in Gaza because they were giving hope to the displaced people and children with their songs.The freedom theater in jenin have been terrorized by the Israeli government for a long time.
Why? Because people are it’s culture, and this is a genocide.
Music, art, culture in any form is fundamental for human existence. That’s why Palestinian culture is canceled and erased – Israel is trying to erase the soul of the Palestinian people.
FalastinVision combines the power of cultural expression with solidarity with Palestine.
Come to the FalastinVision final on Saturday at Plan B i Malmö or tune in on the livestream from anywhere in the world online.
Hej Palestinavänner!!
Mitt namn är Sabrin Elhessi, talesperson för FalastinVision. Jag är palestinier från Gaza närmare bestämt från Rafah som i detta nu bombas och där ockupationsmakten mördar mitt folk och min familj senaste veckan har över 100 personer från min familj mördats av ockupationsmakten och jag har bott i Gaza mellan åren 2003–2008. Jag har hunnit med ockupationsmaktens våld i fem år och tre stora krig. Därför vill jag nu ta tillfället i akt och vädja till alla artister och kreativa människor runt om i världen:
Vi behöver alla i kampen för ett fritt Palestina. Jag uppmanar alla artister och kreativa att fortsätta gå samman med rörelser för befrielse över hela världen.
Alla kreativa runt om i världen har ett ansvar att använda sina plattformar för att få människor att agera för vår befrielse och motstånd mot förtrycket som vi palestinier genomgår varenda dag och har genomgått i 75 år både i Gaza och på västbanken och de ockuperade områdena, där de varje dag utsätts för psykiskt våld.
Varje konstnär och artist som bojkottar Eurovision nu, och varje konstnär som deltog i vår tävling FalastinVision, visar oss att man har ett val- att stå med de mänskliga rättigheterna, att stå upp för Gazas barn som slaktas just nu i Rafah
Vad är viktigast, dina kontakter eller att inte förlora följare på Instagram, eller att tala ut mot ett folkmord?
De valde att vara på rätt sida av historien, och för det hyllar jag dem! Med det sagt, Hands off Rafah now!
Hello Palestine friends!!
My name is Sabrin Elhessi, spokesperson for FalastinVision. I am a Palestinian from Gaza, specifically from Rafah, which is now being bombed and where the occupying power is murdering my people and my family. Last week, over 100 people from my family were murdered by the occupying power and I have lived in Gaza between the years 2003-2008. I have had time with the violence of the occupying power for five years and three major wars. Therefore, I now want to take this opportunity to appeal to all artists and creative people around the world:
We need everyone in the fight for a free Palestine. I urge all artists and creatives to continue to join forces for liberation worldwide.
All creatives around the world have a responsibility to use their platforms to get people to act for our liberation and resistance to the oppression that we Palestinians are going through every single day and have been going through for 75 years both in Gaza and in the West Bank and the Occupied Territories, where they are exposed to psychological violence every day.
Every artist and performer who boycotts Eurovision now, and every artist who participated in our competition FalastinVision, shows us that you have a choice – to stand with human rights, to stand up for the children of Gaza who are being slaughtered right now in Rafah
What is more important, your connections or not losing followers on Instagram, or speaking out against a genocide?
They chose to be on the right side of history, and for that I applaud them! With that being said, Hands off Rafah now!