Welcome to FalastinVision!
- Half
- Light

Halflight is my own personal music project. I’ve played in a few different bands over the years, mostly different death or black metal stuff. And beyond that I’ve played or written music for most of my life. Since I quit playing in bands a few years ago I started writing music on my own. I was thinking that I should do a solo project, cause that’s what musicians do after quitting a band, right? But I just never felt the ”need” to share it with people outside of some friends and family. I was pretty happy just doing music for myself. This was in fact the first time in a long while that I felt that I wanted to put out my music. Maybe it can have a positive effect on at least someone. From getting people more aware of the situation in Gaza to giving someone the inspiration to get organized. I felt that I want to do whatever I can In face of the ongoing genocide and music has always been a powerful tool for movements such as ours. So that’s why I’m here. I hope you’ll enjoy my song!
The motivation behind my song is pretty simple, its to honnor the palestinians who during the last
seven months, and before that, the last 75+ years, have gone through trials, hardships, oppression,
and horrors that would break the spirit of everyone I know. Yet they persist. That is what my song is
about at its core.
A lot of the lyrics for example, are heavily inspired by quotes or statements said by Palestinians on
the ground in Gaza during the last 7 months. Just as some of the pictures we’ve seen can’t be ”un-
seen” some of these phrases I decided to base the chorus around have had the same effect.
To try and really show what is happening in Gaza, I also made the music video the same way. I
picked different videos that fit the message of the song, and in some cases i even managed to find
the video where the phrase I used originated from. Some things got a little ”reworked” to better fit
in to a rhythm or a melody but i tried to convey the humanity behind these words the best I could.
This thing was very important, seeing as one of the key points in the occupation’s propaganda is to
dehumanize Palestinians. I wanted to use my voice and music to combat this narrative and instead
show how they couldn’t be more wrong.
Song Title: Steadfast
Steadfast – Half Light
In cries of freedom, the world unites
But western leaders
Well, their silence speaks for itself
In envy of… Palestine
Where even children
Got more courage
Than all of them combined
Till the pain
Goes away
We will remain
In unity
Revolution’s close
Within our reach
So raise your voice
Let the truth be heard
Cause there’s a reason
The doctors sing
And there’s a reason
The news gets out
For even if
There’s no one left
To bury us
We’ll never leave
Each day, the mask slips a little more
And it won’t be long now
Till Palestine is free
And they can try to stop it
Send their bombs and guns and drones and hate
And they can raise their bloody hands
For Gaza will veto death itself
Till the pain
Goes away
We will remain
In unity
Revolution’s close
Within our reach
So raise your voice
Let the truth be heard
Cause there’s a reason
The doctors sing
And there’s a reason
The news gets out
For even if
There’s no one left
To bury us
We’ll never leave