The first round of voting is done, and we now have our 15 finalists ready for the 11th of May.

We want to give a heartfelt thank you to everybody who has participated in the competition so far. Every contestant have contributed significantly to our mission of putting the spotlight on Palestine through music, and for that, we are truly grateful.

These following artist will have their contribution in the final on the 11th of May and you will get to vote for the winner of FalastinVision 2024. They are 15 finalists from 7 different countries.

Seeing as our contestants have been participating from all over the world and the finalists are from eight different countries they will be competing from remote in the final. That means that they will not have a live performance but competing with a prerecorded video, like they did in this first round of voting. They have the opportunity to update their video as long as the song and lyrics are the same.

A huge thanks also to everybody voting and cheering for our contestants, and sharing about FalastinVision online. Keep it up – the final is on Saturday already!